Academy: Practicing the Way – Practices for Spiritual Growth
When we are Practicing the Way of Jesus, we are living abundant, joyful, peaceful, restful, loving lives and helping others find and follow Jesus. Our hearts are aligned to Jesus and his loves are our loves.
But this kind of formation is hindered if the way we relate to God is only intellectual versus experiential or transactional versus relational. When crisis or boredom happens in our lives, we may find that our stated beliefs and our lived beliefs aren’t the same. We may find that our characters are not becoming more loving and kind. We may find that life is not marked by joy and peace and purpose.
Join us as we learn how to make space for spiritual practices in our lives that help us to Practice the Way of Jesus. We will be exploring a handful of practices and discovering rhythms that help us to grow as fully formed disciples of Jesus.
Childcare will be available for $20 per child.
Dinner will be available for $12 per plate.