SouthPark Services
Join us for worship and baptism this Sunday!

SouthPark Services
Join us for worship and baptism this Sunday!
New City Family,
This Sunday, we’ll be finishing our series on Heaven and celebrating baptisms in all of our services. We have 21 people being baptized between our two congregations! I hope you’ll plan to join us as these individuals publicly declare their decision to find and follow Jesus.
As you know, our services have been full at SouthPark lately! I’m grateful for our NextGen team and volunteers who worked together to open preschool classes for kids 5 and under at 8:15 am, allowing young families to be part of that service.
We want to see you this week and hope you’ll plan to join us!
• 8:15 am – kids classes for nursery and preschool (5 and under)
• 9:30 am – kids classes for nursery through elementary (5th Grade and under)
• 11:00 am – kids classes for nursery through middle school (8th Grade and under)
Can’t wait to worship together with you.
Grace to you,